Remember this picture and
this post?
Well look at it now!
Yay for check marks! |
That final checkmark for the I-800A was done on Saturday when we received this document:
If you can read the tiny writing, it does say that we are approved for 2 children. We are open to twins or siblings, but the chances of it happening with Chinese adoption are incredibly rare, so don't get too excited.
Yes my friends, that
means that we are OFFICIALLY done with the paperchasing portion of this adoption!
Yes there are lots of papers to be filed once we are matched, but I think the
excitement of being matched and finally getting to see a little face that is
ours (and FINALLY being able to shop!) will take over and it will feel
completely different than this past 7 months has felt.
So what's next?
The most exciting part! Our dossier is being sent (hopefully today) to be translated and certified. Not sure how long that will take, could be a few weeks, could be a month, but once that is done our documents are sent to our agency's coordinator in China and they will take them to be officially logged in. Once we are logged in we will be eligible to be matched from the shared list (list of kids that are ready to be adopted) that comes out once a month. We are hopeful that we will be eligible for matching with the June shared list, but it's possible that the July list will be our first chance. Either way we are just happy to be looking towards the end of this part of our journey and more than ready to start the next part knowing who our son or daughter is.
P.S. Extra bonus points if you recognized where the title
came from!