Thursday, October 24, 2013


I wish I were talking about this kind of funk

But sadly I am not (although I'm pretty sure I would look awesome with an afro).

As you may have guessed from the silence, we were not matched off of the October shared list. Brian is handling this much better than I am. I have found myself in a funk of just plain being sad.

I'm sad that we haven't been matched. I'm sad that there are orphans that need homes and  families with love and space to spare and everyone is just waiting. I'm sad that the monthly shared lists from China have been smaller than usual with no explanation as to why. I'm sad that I have to walk past our empty baby room for yet another month with no idea of who it will belong to or when he or she will be living there.

So you will have to excuse this downer of a post and (if you have seen me in person) my attitude of late because I just can't fake it right now. I know I will recover and I know we will both be stronger for it, but I'm not there yet.

In the meantime, I offer this picture of a baby elephant as a warm fuzzy trade off for reading my depressing post.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Three Things Thursday

Thing #1: Quick update to let you all know that there is no update yet (aren't you glad you checked the blog today?). The October shared list hasn't come out yet, but with only two weeks left in October, it has to come out soon! We would appreciate any prayers/good thoughts you could send our way that this is our month!

Thing #2: I felt like I was a little harsh on Jen Arnold and Bill Klein aka the Little Couple (I'm just shocked I haven't heard from them yet, but am expecting a call any day now to set up a lunch date) in this post. I was frustrated by how fast and easy they made it seem like everything was moving for their adoptions (especially when ours was very slow and tedious at the time). However this past set of episodes since they brought home their son and have worked towards bringing home their daughter have been truly honest and heartfelt. I'm thrilled they are finally in India picking up their daughter and can't wait to see their new episodes as a family of four.

Thing #3: We have planned another getaway for this month. We thought we might as well get in as many quick trips as we can before we have a kid in tow and things get more complicated! We'll post pictures when we get back, but here is your clue as to where we are going!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The truth

Blog friends, we haven't been completely honest with you. Thus the radio silence for the last few weeks. It has been for good reason, but we promised to share the good and bad of our adoption adventure and we both feel that its time for this part of our story to be shared.

When we posted this, it wasn't 100% true. We were matched off of the shared list that came out in September, but we were matched with a child that was much older than what we had been approved for. We have been approved for a child up to 18 months and we have prayed and talked about this age quite a bit over the last 10 months and really felt like that was our comfort zone for many reasons. It was apparent that this child was not meant to be ours. Our coordinator apologized for the mix up and said she would make sure that the person doing the matching reviewed our choices before the next list came out. We were sad, but ok with it because it was just so obvious that this kiddo wasn't ours.

And then 11 PM the next night the phone rang. It was our coordinator, telling us that she had another match for us. Another family with our agency had been matched off of the shared list and they had declined the match.  Our agency had then thought of us and wanted us to review the file. There was a catch though. The other family had used all but 8 hours of the 72 hour hold on the file. Our agency thought they could just transfer his file to us, but we had to make our decision in that 8 hours. As you might imagine, it was a shock and we were wide awake at that point (which is saying a lot for me, once I'm asleep it usually takes a lot to wake me up!). We spent the rest of that crazy night reading the medical file, looking at the pictures of an adorable little boy and asking ourselves "is this our baby?".  Long story short, we said yes and with that "yes" we had a match and a son. We had waited almost a year for this moment and it had finally come.

Four happy days went by. We were dying to tell everyone, but our best efforts to get those we wanted to tell first together were unsuccessful for various reasons and as it turns out we were glad we weren't able to tell them.

That fourth night we received a phone call from our coordinator. We knew it was bad news just from the tone of her voice. As it turns out, there was a clerical error when this boy's file was being transferred from the first family to us. Somehow when his file was unlocked, it was never officially "re-locked" for us and his file was already gone and locked by another agency for another family.

Bottom line: He wasn't ours and there was nothing that could be done.

As you can imagine, we went through many emotions. At one point I wondered if this was a sign that we weren't supposed to do this, weren't supposed to be parents. It even brings back tears to my eyes to type that sentence. It was too difficult, confusing and painful to talk about with anyone. So, we ran away.

We took an amazing trip to New Orleans and Alabama. This trip had already been planned, but as it turned out it couldn't have come at a better time. We needed to take a breath and we just couldn't do that in Colorado (it's actually hard to do that in New Orleans too, hello humidity!).

So that brings us to today. Today we are ok. We have weathered storms together before and we always come out stronger for it. We are moving forward and trying to have closure and peace in the fact that this was not our child and it is a great thing that there are more adoptive families than available children right now.

Thanks for reading this beast of a post. We are trying to look forward to the next shared list, which will most likely be released in the next few weeks. As you can imagine, we might be a little hesitant to share the news right away when we actually do get matched, but we promise we will share as soon as we feel like it is really happening. We started this blog to share the ups and downs and after this experience we know we are due for an up and can't wait to write about it!