Friday, January 4, 2013

Tell me more...

One of the things that surprised us when we started the adoption process is that we both needed to get a psychiatric evaluation and a personality test done. Neither of us have ever seen a psychologist (and if we had we probably wouldn't talk about it here. I mean we trust you, but who knows who else is reading this!) so we had no idea what to expect, except that it had the potential to be very expensive. Our coordinator quoted us anywhere from $750-$1500. ouch. By some strange miracle, I got a tip to look into the mental health portion of our health insurance and lo and behold these visits might be covered! We haven't gotten a bill yet, but for right now we are holding onto hope that we dodged that expensive bullet.

So the week of Thanksgiving (black Friday to be exact, nothing like having your first psych consult after a day of fighting crazy crowds of people!) we had our first appointment. It was....interesting. Our psychologist was very nice and tried to make us feel comfortable, but I think his favorite phrase is "What else?" and several times we truly ran out of stuff to talk about! At one point Brian and I looked at each other and Brian said "well we like to go to CSU football and basketball games....". I almost busted out laughing because it is so true, we are pretty normal average people with a happy marriage and very little drama in our lives (which we are VERY thankful for, knock on wood!).
Then he handed us our personality test to take. 600 some questions ranging from "do you like to read mechanics magazines" to "do you hear voices". I think we were both cross eyed by the end of it.

*Side note, we had to complete the test on a scantron form. Anyone remember these? I can't believe they are still around! Mr. Scantron must be making a killing on these things!
Anyone else just tempted to fill in all B's and see what happens? A personality test is probably a bad place to try something like that out though.......

Anywho, first psych consult, check! Personality test, check! Individual consults, check and check!
We're just waiting on our psychiatrist to write up his evaluation and send it to our agency (yes I am tempted to call him twice a day every day until he gets it done, no I haven't actually done that. yet.).
We're very excited to be at about the halfway point of all these check marks!

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