Wednesday, January 22, 2014

426 days

426 days ago we signed the paperwork to start our adoption journey. Little did we know that less than a month after we started, our son was born, 6000 miles and a day away. This process has had it's ups and downs, but I think we can truly say that every setback, every tedious piece of paper and every minute spent worrying has been worth it.

Yesterday, China officially made us parents and granted us the honor of calling this little boy ours.

Blog friends, we are thrilled to introduce you to our son, Milo.

It was not hard to know when we opened the email and saw this face for the first time that he was meant to be ours! 

Next up is our immigration paperwork, which should hopefully only take a few weeks. It looks like we are still on track for travel in late April.

We will post again soon after our heads stop spinning from all the good news!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, yay and YAY!! We are so excited and happy for your family! We can't wait to meet Milo - he's beautiful. We'll be in CO this summer... Hope we can see you! Love and prayers as you finish the paperwork and prepare to go get your son. :)
