Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's about that time

Well folks, we've come a long way since this post back in November 2012. We have filled out mountains of paperwork, been fingerprinted (twice), signed our names more times than it takes to buy a house, told several complete strangers our life stories and had more ups, downs and delays than we can count. Was it difficult? No doubt. Was it worth it? A million times yes. 

See this face? 

This little face is waiting for us and it's time to go and bring him home to his forever family.

We have been very open during our journey and have loved sharing every step, however we have decided not to blog while we are in China.
I tried blogging on the iPad and it was REALLY slow and annoying and due to our already giant packing list, we won't be bringing a laptop with us. Add that to the unstable internet access we have heard about in China and the craziness of becoming new parents to a toddler in a foreign country while staying in hotels and we decided it's not worth it to try.

We also decided it's probably not wise or respectful to the folks helping us take care of our house and pets to advertise all over the interwebs exactly when we will be out of the country.

Just a heads up to any potential burglars out there, many people in our family own guns and know how to use them (or can at least hold one and look scary while doing it). 
And there's also the attack cat...

But, not to worry! We will document every aspect of our trip and post all about it after we get home.

So for now, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and interest in our adoption journey. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts while we travel. We can't wait to get home and overwhelm you with adorable pictures and stories from our trip!

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