The dogs did pretty well. She's not really a dog person so she mostly ignored them and eventually they got the message and they ignored her. She said good things about them for the pet portion of her paperwork, so we're glad they pulled it together enough to impress her.
The house tour went well and she didn't even pull out white gloves to check our baseboards! (Kim was disappointed). She also loved the baby room progress (you all will have to be kept in suspense, pictures to come later!)
We also found out yesterday that the agency that processes our fingerprints and background checks is backed up 14 weeks! 14 weeks!!!! Good thing we got ours done early!
She will be coming back to our house in a few weeks for one more visit where she will meet with each of us individually. However for right now there's a lot of relief and a lot of this going on in our house for one more step done!

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